The responsible use of the right credit cards can lead to rewards that add up quickly. Before thinking about earning rewards with these cards, keep in mind that no credit card can offer any reward worth paying finance charges (the term for interest charges on credit cards). If you’re not sure if credit cards are right for you, visit this related post on credit cards pros and cons.
Here are some of The Rich Missionary’s favorites. All of these cards are free of any annual fee. There are some good travel cards with an annual fee (sometimes the fee is worth it), but that’s for another post. Note that all of the names in bold font link directly to the bank offering the particular card. Be aware that if you search for a card online, many of the first links generated by search engines are ads and do not go directly to the issuing bank.
- The Citi Bank Double Cash Card. This card offers a flat 2% rewards earned on all purchases regardless of the type of purchase (i.e. no category based rewards). This card is an excellent complement to a category card as it can be used for purchases that are not higher earning categories with other rewards cards. Technically, the card provides 1% rewards when purchases and the other 1% when those same purchases are paid, however for responsible cardholders who pay on time, there is little delay to receiving the full 2%. Like many rewards cards, there are a variety of redemption options including direct deposit of cash into any linked bank account (any account you use to make your payments on the card).
- The Wells Fargo Autograph Card. Wells Fargo isn’t known for great customer service, but their new autograph card is one of the best cards on the market. Keep in mind that, generally speaking, customers are not required to have other financial products with a bank (such as a checking or savings account) to get approved for a credit card. This card offers 3% back on gas, travel, transit, restaurants, streaming services, and cell phone bills (all other purchases get 1%). And do you pay for insurance to protect your cell phone or worry how you would cover the cost of replacing a lost, damaged, or stolen phone? If you use the Autograph card to pay a cell phone bill, they will cover up to $600 with their cellular telephone protection plan. Many options for reward redemptions including statement credits.
- The Discover Cash Back Card. Famous for their 5% cash-back categories, Discover offers rotating bonuses which change on a quarterly basis. Unfortunately, sometimes the categories are not relevant all customers and all other purchases only get 1%. However, especially when used alongside a flat-rate card, this card can really be a home run. Imagine getting 5% on gas or groceries (both categories during different quarters in 2023); those rewards really add up at the pump–with 5% back and gas at $3.50, that’s 17.5 cents back per gallon. The categories are capped at max rewards (for the 5%) of $75 per quarter (with no camp on 1% earnings). Cash rewards can be redeemed for gift cards, statement credits, and direct deposit.
- The Capital One QuickSilver Card. This no-frills card offers a flat 1.5% cash rewards back on all purchases. A key benefit of this card is that there are no fees charges for international purchases, which makes it a great compliment to a good travel card (it’s always good to have at least two good cards for international travel in case one gets lost or locks up due to bank fears of unauthorized activity). Another benefit of the card is the banking features of Capital One and the ease of using the credit card alongside their checking and savings accounts. Capital One has an excellent user interface and offers some of the highest savings and CD rates available. Among other options, cash rewards can be redeemed as statement credits.
- American Express Blue Cash Everyday Card. This category card offers 3% back on groceries, online purchases, and gas (on up to $6,000 of purchases annually). All other purchases and purchases in categories beyond $6k earn 1%. The card is currently offering a Disney Bundle credit that provides $7 back each month to customers subscribed to a Disney Bundle plan that is at least $12.99 per month. Again, this type of category card is best utilized in concert with a flat-rate reward card such as the Citi Double Cash or the Capital One QuickSilver.
Many of these cards also offer very nice reward bonuses for opening a new account. Unfortunately, they cannot be listed here because they change often based on the promotions of the issuing banks. However, know any of the terms of conditions of any card may have changed since this post was authored. Be sure to read details on the bank’s website and the cardholder agreement; The Rich Missionary is merely providing tips and is not responsible for any inaccurate content (too bad we have to even say this kinda stuff, but’s the litigious, “blame someone else” society we now share).
Finally, consider putting earned rewards toward something meaningful; perhaps a saving category that is currently underfunded such as a vacation fund, retirement savings, emergency fund, or a special project. Rewards can seem small on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, but year over year, smart credit card users can save thousands of tax-free dollars by using credit over cash or debit for everyday purchases.