Wisdom. Sacrifice. Generosity

We’re equipping saints for wise, generous, and sacrificial lives to the fullest for God’s glory.


Of every $100,000

Earned by Christians goes to world missions


People Die Daily

In the unreached world without Jesus



Salary of vocational missionary workers


of Missionaries

Do not fulfill their long-term commitment

“Each believer’s global impact begins with small changes.”

– The Rich Missionary

What We’re Doing:

Our strategies to help improve missionary retention and family health.

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What the heck is the boba tea doing your logo?

“A merchant was looking for fine pearls

When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” – Matthew 13:45-46

  • The milk tea, a classic beverage throughout East Asia (perhaps the Asian version of iced coffee) represents the cross-cultural ministry that binds together those we serve.
  • Have you ever seen a financial advertisement that didn’t have a well-placed cup of coffee somewhere in the frame? We had to keep up with the Jones’.
  • And yes, the tapioca balls represent the fine pearls that we seek and, that we have already found! (TRM says humor is allowed)

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I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

Facts and References

Always Bring Receipts

Missionary Salaries

Roughly $30,000 annually according to data from BLS and Indeed. Bethany Global University.

Preventable Reasons

Since 1981, about 50% of departures were for potentially preventable reasons. WE.

Missionaries Leaving the Field

A study found of 40k missionaries found 43% leave prematurely. World Evangelicals.

Christian Income and Giving

0.00096% of Christian income goes to World Missions. World Christianity and Mission 2021.

Key Factors Effecting Retention

A lack of communication, network, prayer, resources, and organization. ABWE.

70% of Evangelicals Don’t Know

Or have not been told about the 1.6 billion unevangelized people. Global Commission Partners.

Lost People Who Haven’t Heard

70,000 die daily without hearing the Gospel according to Mark Baxter. Within Reach Global.

Missions Retention

According to K. P. Yohannan, 1/2 of new missionaries do not last beyond their first term. MTW.

Missions Funding for Unreached

Baxter says 1% of all money for missions is for unevangelized or unreached. About Missions.